Singing Heart India 2019-20

Information for those wishing to visit Singing Heart from Nov. 2019 – March 2020        

Natural Great Peace: 27th – 30th December. This short retreat will focus on your true nature often hidden behind the restless mind. We will use the Vipassana meditation technique – a wonderful tool to help focus on the Truth of who you truly are, beyond ideas of who you may think you are. Jacqueline will also guide a dance meditation each day and hold evening Satsang. As always all your questions are welcome. 

Start with morning meditation on 27th. Finish with lunch 30th.

Price: Room, food, teachings for 3 and half days: Euro 125 – dk kr. 1000 – rupees 10.000. (Special prices can be given to students and those who are not employed if necessary.)

Arunachala Meditation Retreat: 3rd – 8th January. The retreat will contain teachings to support your inner journey and strengthen your connection with that which Arunachala represents: that place in you that doesn’t move and is never touched by anything that comes and goes in the inner or outer world. There will be daily silent meditation sittings, walking and dance meditations and whatever arises in the moment. 3 days of the retreat will be held in total silence. 

Start mid morning 3rd and finish with evening Satsang 8th.

Price: Room, food, teachings for 6 days/nights: Euro 210 – 1550 – rupees 16000 (Special prices can be given to students and those who are not employed if necessary.)


New Years Eve Celebration: As usual there will be a New Year ceremony and celebration on the night of the 31st. This ceremony  includes meditation, chanting and a look at the planetary horoscope for the coming year. Participants are asked to bring something to share for the 10 pm tea break: e.g: fruits, cake, Indian snacks etc.     Donations in the donation box in the meditation hall. Thank you.


Open Retreat: You are also welcome to spend time at the ashram when there are no organised programs. There is morning meditation, some afternoon events, satsangs.                                                                                                  

Prices per night: Prices have risen in India and we now have to ask for a minimum payment from westerners and working Indians of:

Rupees 700 per day for room with bathroom, 3 meals, tea, meditation etc.

Rupees 600 for room without bathroom, 3 meals, tea, meditation etc.

2 people in a room with bathroom you may have a reduction so each pays rupees 650

2 people in a room without bathroom you may have a reduction so each pays rupees 550

If you do not sign the food book for some meals you may deduct the following:

Breakfast – 55 rps  Lunch – 110 rps.  Dinner – 80m rps

Please pay for all the meals you sign for as they will have been prepared for you.

People holding their own retreat program at Singing Heart:                                           The prices above for Open Retreat apply plus a payment of rupees 1000 per day for the use of the meditation hall from 9.30 am (after breakfast) until 10 pm. All are welcome as usual to the morning meditation from 7. 40 – 8. 20 am. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Donations for Singing Heart projects are gratefully received as are donations for our children’s project (SHIC) and young adults project (SHYA)   

VERY IMPORTANT – Please read carefully:                                                                   On arrival at Singing Heart you must register. This means you fill in a form and give us a photocopy of your passport and visa plus one passport photograph. The cost of registration is rupees 70. Registration happens before you are shown to your room. Please have everything ready on arrival. In the past people have shown up without photographs and photocopies and this has caused much extra work for the staff and difficulties for us with the authorities.

If you need a letter of welcome from your first place of stay in India to obtain a visa for India let Arjuna know and he will give you details. If you visit somewhere else before Singing Heart the place you visit first must provide you with a letter. Important that you do NOT write Singing Heart Ashram on your visa application or on arrival at the airport. All ashram activities come under the Singing Heart Guesthouse. Please write:  Singing Heart Guesthouse. Address: Periya Paliya Pattu, P.O. Pachal, Tiruvannamalai District, 606 704 Tamil Nadu, India. Telephone: (+91) 9486 886601 Danish people please check the rules carefully before applying for a visa as they are quite strict!


Pongal celebrations: 14th – 16th January The ashram will not provide lunch and dinner as the workers have been promised they do not have to work during Pongal. As you may know Pongal is the biggest celebration in Tamil Nadu – like Christmas, new year and birthday all rolled into one! People enjoy to go into the town and see the Pongal decorations. Especially beautiful to see are the rangoli: colorful and often intricate patterns made with chalk outside of houses and other buildings.

Bookings: Contact Arjuna Tell him when you have paid deposit. You’re welcome to send this information to others who are interested.

Telephone number to Saravanan (Manager): 0091 – 9486886601

Payment: Best if you can pay cash whilst in India. Deposit for retreats can be paid via PayPal registered under:

An important reminder for women: Please be aware we are in South India, near a village and not in a big city or on the beach in Goa! It is very important you dress suitably for an ashram + village life. Please cover your legs down to ankles, no low cut necks or see-through clothes, cover the tops of your arms. Clothes should not be tight fitting or too revealing. Tight fitting jeans are not what is meant by covering your legs! If you follow these guidelines you will have no difficulties.

Coming to Singing Heart from the town of Tiruvannamalai: Go to Ramana Ashram and then out on the Chengham Rd. for 7 km. Go straight out – NOT onto the Round Hill Road. After about 7 km. you pass the Temple for World Peace on the left. After 1 more km. is a sign: Periya Palya Pattu + signs for Greenland and Anantha Niketan: Cross the road, go up the dirt road and continue for half a km. You will see the sign for Singing Heart on the right. 

Coming from Bangalore or Chengham:

Singing Heart is 24 kms. from Chengham – off Chengham Road. A sign shows 10 km. to Tiruvannamalai and a sign to turn left for Periya Palya Pattu. By bus the name of the stop is Tanal Murde. Then go left up a dirt road and half a km. along the road you will see the Singing Heart sign on your right.